what Do Democrats Want?

Thursday, August 31, 2017


Democrats want to eliminate the "Electoral College" because the Founding Fathers' US Constitution keeps ALLOWING Republicans to WIN without the "pumped up and pimped out MAJORITY. The Electoral College was written in and APPROVED precisely so that BIG POPULOUS Cities could not RULE OVER all the states. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT The Electoral College so despised by Al Gore for "making him lose" in 2000 is what got BUSH elected over Al Gore despite his RECOUNT - word on the street was that Al Gore had decided to CALL and GIVE UP when SOMEBODY told him to FIGHT for the WRONG, and try to win anyway because FLORIDA would have given Al Gore the Electoral VOTE with its 20 PLUS. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Then in 2016, when Donald J. Trump WON 45 PLUS states for an EASY Electoral Vote win, the CLAMOR was renewed AGAINST the Electoral College because the LATE COUNT SHUTDOWN made it LOOK LIKE Hillary had won the POPULAR VOTE by 2 million or so when in reality, TRUMP BEAT HER after the other votes WERE COUNTED but only by a HALF MILLION OR SO ... TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT The so -called HEAD-KICK for Hillary came from her LOSS of the Electoral College because Hillary's BIG FIVE CITIES where Democrats have a "MACHINE" type advantage (reminescent of Chicago's machine and NY's TamMiny Hall) BUT Trump WON 45 states for an EASY Electoral College WIN...so SHUTTING DOWN the count while Hillary Clinton was AHEAD...did not give the Dems the win. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Democrats DID effectively HOUND President Richard Nixon out of office, prompting GOP to go after "SLICK BILL CLINTON...but the HOUND, Ken Starr decided to go for an EASIER WIN and underestimated the SLEEZINESS OF Democrats who had already been "salt wounded" by losing their FABULOUS GARY HART to a SEX SCANDAL involving "Monkey Business" sooooooo Democrats could care less if Bill Clinton had 100s of trysts with women... TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Did Ken Starr KNOW that the sex was easier for Clinton to beat? Probably...BUT the TREASON and dealing with the Chinese was MUCH more difficult to prove so Starr tried the SEX ANGLE that Clinton had already dodged at a cost to SOMEBODY of $850,000 to Paula Jones to settle out of court. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT BOTTOM LINE: DEMS want to SHAFT Trump every which way they can...and the GOP Establishment is HELPING THEM with that sleazy, no-good Senate and lackluster House. What else can they be after fooling around 7 YEARS with Obamacare, 2015 ACTUAL BILL IGNORED since then...and USING GOOF-OFF on Healthcare to SHIRK Tax REFORM. Looks like CURTAINS for Senators in 2018 who are MONKEYWRENCHING TRUMP'S Obamacare FIX AND TAX Reform...let's VOTE OUT THE BUM Democrats who ONE-SIDEDLY OPPOSE flushing Obamacare AND any sort of FIX that would shut down all that YUMMY Medicaid that is taking taxpayers FOR A RIDE! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Comey Worth $11,000,000 Worked For Democrats Until May, 2017

Former freshly fired in May FBI Director James (Jimmy) Comey could very well be the most famous FBI Director to date (May of 2017) for his actions and inactions while boss under DOJ Director Loretta F.E. Lynch as the US’s top law enforcement organization. Like many others before hime SOME of his actions were questionable, although he did not get 36 years to do everything perfectly like J. Edgar Hoover: TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Perhaps foremostly if not FIRSTLY consider the Hillary Rodham Clinton Private Server and Email Abuse incidents and wonder WHY the Democrats would want a presidential candidate who had not only LOST before but had something like "38 boxcars of bad baggage". But who's counting "boxcars." In 2008, allegedly the server used for clintonemail.com was registered under the name Eric Hoteham, presumed to be a misspelling of Eric Hothem, who was a former Clinton aide. The Associated Press (AP), however, was unable to identify an "Eric Hoteham," noting that the "name does not appear in public records databases, campaign contribution records, or Internet background searches." Eric Hotham had worked for the Clintons during their unfortunate White House reign and their paying of $100,000 for WH furniture mistakingly sent to the Chappaqua mansion. Hothem was also involved in multiple personal matters during his service to Clintons and had a role in the controversy surrounding the pardon given to former President Bill Clinton’s half-brother Roger Clinton. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Part of Hillary Clinton's "smokey argument" was that in 2009, government employees were allowed to use private emails for government work, although the practice was strongly discouraged. If using a private email, "the agency must ensure that federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency record-keeping system." TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT For this excuse to "hold water", official State Department correspondence would have had to be sorted out and forwarded from Clintonemail.com which would have brought unwanted ATTENTION to her private server. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT To further make "murky" the "transparency" and turbidity of the "waters" surrounding Ms. Clinton's server, in January 13, 2009, the domain clintonemail.com was registered in the name of longtime adviser to former President Bill Clinton, Justin Cooper with Hillary Clinton's email subsequently set up as hdr22@clintonemail.com. The "22" relates to the Clintons' "calibre". TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Later in November of 2012, the server was redesigned to utilize Google as the backup server. At that time, Google's Gmail even allowed non-Gmail names like GooberGov@yahoo.com. Government employees are required by law- i.e. mandated to use government email accounts similar to employees in the private sector. Many feel that her rationale for her own private email system was and is obvious she did not want a "webmaster" at the State Department to know what was in her emails. Hillary did allow her team members to use her private email system also well, especially Huma Abedin, her assistant and close confidant who printed out classified and confidential emails as hardcopy printouts. Another problem was that Abedin did not have a sufficiently high security clearance despite no caveat notice of "For Your Eyes Only." This is a "Bonb. James Bond British thing anyway probably not even in "Five Eyes" or FVEY. usage except in the UK. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Through a series of events Hillary’s email system was discovered and the FBI got involved. One question that needed to be answered was whether Hillary’s actions with her emails led to gross negligence with national defense information which would be a serious crime according to the Espionage Act of 1913. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Hillary Clinton went to a lot of effort to conceal the fact that she was using a private email server and made many excuses which later turned out to be lies. For example, she claimed that she didn’t know a ‘C’ on her emails meant classified. Wikipedia mentions three of these but that is part and parcel of the coverup. She even declared on July 25, 2015, that she did not send classified emails from her private server while she was secretary of state. "I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received," Clinton tells reporters in Winterset, Iowa. Earlier as if declaring she hated trees, Hillary stated that 55,000 emails had been PRINTED OUT! (The Obama State Dept. was to later declare it needed 75 years of doing 500 emails a month -- to provide WHAT judges wanted on several people's emails. Of course, ALL could be on a single FLASH DRIVE but SOMEBODY would have to de-classify 500 per month anyway...they just wanted to make it look DAUNTING, too daunting! So they surrendered NOTHING. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Hillary Clinton’s cyber team of experts eventually deleted her (30,000?) emails and then cleaned her server with a program called ‘Bleachbit’. The team did this after these items were requested in subpoenas from Congress. Of course, someone other than Mrs. Clinton is credited with this "goof". TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT On June 27, 2016, former POTUS Bill Clinton met with US Attorney General Loretta Lynch in her plane on the Phoenix, Arizona tarmac for a half an hour discussing "grandchildren" which meeting made it appear that Bill Clinton was interfering with Hillary Clinton's pending case with the Justice Department's FBI. Within a week Lynch’s Department of Justice dropped the investigation into Hillary’s emails and FBI’s Comey made the announcement. Hillary Clinton made an "in your face" announcement that Loretta Lynch would be her head of the Department of Justice, which made it appear that "the FIX was in" on Hillary Clinton's email scandal. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT After FBI Director Comey announced that the FBI would not recommend criminal charges be filed against Hillary, he was grilled in Congress by U.S. Representative Trey Gowdy who for all accounts did well. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT In the 2nd Presidential debate Donald Trump discussed Hillary’s email situation and noted that he would instruct his Attorney General if he wins to check into the Hillary email situation. After Hillary responded Trump had the most memorable response in any Presidential debate ever, when he said – ‘Because you’d be in jail’! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Americans were very upset with the FBI announcing that criminal charges were not recommended against Hillary Clinton regarding her emails. Anyone who looked into it knew she was guilty of numerous crimes. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Secondly, but not lastly, but all too inexplicably Comey announced shortly before the 2016 elections that the FBI was reopening its investigation into Hillary’s emails. Apparently emails recovered in the sex investigation into the pervert Anthony David Wiener case was succinctly related to the Hillary investigation. Wiener is or was -- the husband of Clinton confidant Huma Abedin and reportedly Clinton emails were found on Huma’s computer after Huma stated under oath that all her emails were turned over. In addition, an email released from WikiLeaks at this time showed that Hillary’s longtime assistant Cheryl Mills ordered the email server to be bleached clean. More and more criminal activity was being uncovered daily. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT However, within a few days Comey came out again and cleared Clinton for a second time only a few days before the election. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Thirdly, in March FBI director James Comey told the House Intelligence Committee that the Republican Party emails were not released during the 2016 election campaign. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT SEE THEM HERE: http://dcleaks.com/index.php/the-united-states-republican-party/ TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Wikileaks TWEETED: TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT FBI Directer Comey mislead Congress today when he stated that emails on Republicans were not released during 2016. Proof: http://archive.is/jmZse (Like a haystack containing a straight pin to be located.) TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Fourthly -- when the DNC announced two intrusions during the 2016 Presidential campaign Comey blamed the Russians. The malware that acted as an advanced persistent threat (APT) -- is an attack that remains on and stays undetected on a network for a long time. The goal of an APT is to exfiltrate data or PERIODICALLY HARVEST from the infected system rather than cause damage. Although several foul words and dirty names have been awarded these two "actors", many unprintable in family publications, - the most commonly Fancy Bear is known as APT28, and Cozy Bear as APT29. It has been said that TWO Russian hackers placing different malware or the SAME malware would run the risk of a COMPROMISE of ONE or both resulting in one or both getting "unwanted Siberian vacations" or executed or TERMINATED with extreme prejudice AKA "TWEPed". TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT (Since Seth Rich was murdered in an area that had known no crime in years AND his valuables were all left on his still-breathing prostrate BODY -- many surmise that Mr. Rich was TWEPed by suspicious Democrats which gets attributed to the erstwhile "Clinton body count".) TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT The DNC blamed the Russians for the DNC hacking although Russian malware has frequently been sold on the Dark Web then MODIFIED for the needs and GREEDS of others. Later, WikiLeaks released the John Podesta emails which was important because Podesta was Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manager. These emails included numerous seedy details about salacious and perhaps criminal activities that the Clinton Campaign was involved in to minimize Sen. Bernie Sanders. It has been speculated that Seth Rich thought this highly immoral and leaked emails to WikiLeaks although there were NO reports that the FBI inspected Podesta emails for wrong doing and the emails were subsequently ignored by the biased and unfair -- main stream media (MSM). Likewise nobody reported or had pictures of -- henhouse activity by reporters carrying egg punches and straws so all that talk of "Dirty Ol' Egg-Sucking Media" was false at that time. Nevertheless, this ignorance and "biased use of BLINDERS" did not go unnoticed and NOT REPORTING was politely called,"BARNYARD" referring what chicken yard shoe-cleaning yielded. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Julian Assange from WikiLeaks stated at least six times that the emails were not obtained from Russia, and after not having access to the DNC servers reportedly hacked during the campaign, the FBI under Directer Comey stated nevertheless that Russia was behind the purported hacks of the DNC. Fifthly, when the FBI had Clinton staffers under scrutiny, ALL were given immunity as if "the fix was in" and why "throw anyone under the bus" when Hillary Clinton will go "Scott free" and indeed MUST go Scott free to make a LIAR out of President Trump who had declared that Hillary would be in jail. Sixly -- Director Comey did not think it unusual that Bryan Pagliano who had helped set up the Clinton server -- had during his deposition -- invoked the 5th Amendment approximately 125 consecutive times. It is thought that "Mafia figures" usually did not "take the 5th" quite that many times and they OBVIOUSLY had secrets to avoid discussing lest they get "concrete shoes" and a "river burial." TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT On July 6, 2016, DOJs Lynch declared Hillary Clinton innocent but House Speaker Paul Ryan sent a letter to Director of National Intelligence (DNI)James Clapper Wednesday requesting he deny any classified information to Hillary Clinton for the remainder of the 2016 campaign. It is supposed that she became "blabbermouth eligible" on January 1, 2017 for no apparent reason. Thus any Democrat-hired professional leakers who work in "intelligence" may tell her anything and she can "pass it along" if it's particularly "juicy" and MIGHT do damage to Trump whether TRUE or FALSE. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Seventhly, when a Clinton assistant "lied to his diary" and testified that he had done so - this gives belief that Comey may have "sour-graped" about his FIRING by Trump -- and conceivably MADE UP INCRIMINATING NOTES after the first week in May 2017. There do not appear to be any WITNESSES to declare the NOTES were from February 2017 or May 9 for that matter. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Eightly, it appears that Comey's $185,000 annual salary and contract worth $1,850,000 might have allegedly influenced his decisions since he was hired only about 40 months ago. It would make sense for a Democrat President to hire a person he could count on to provide COVER for the very person who would be preserving Obamacare, and hundreds of other mistakes and consequences from Obama's "pen and phone." TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ninethly, when Comey made his (paraphresed), "I was Nauseated" to testify to all those classified documents getting mishandled by Hillary Clinton!" -- it APPEARED that COMEY was ANGLING to get FIRED since he was "RUBBING IT IN" that TRUMP had not prosecuted Hillary for ANYTHING. Comey had STATED TO THE WORLD that when he answered the phone to GET HIRED AS FBI Directer-- he REGRETTED DOING SO as if he was not PLEASED TO HAVE A JOB with the FBI at all. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT All things considered concerning COMEY, it appears that he PROTECTED Hillary AND had blamed the Russians WITHOUT explaining that RUSSIAN MALWARE is UNIVERSALLY AVAILABLE via the Dark Web which MEANS that THIS IS NOT SECRET to ANYONE except unaware Americans who BELIEVE the tall, innocent-looking "Eagle Scout" James Comey. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT It appears that COMEY is HELPING the Democrats blame HACKING on the Russians who out of all FAIRNESS MIGHT not have SOLOed at the DNC at all. Comey never referred to the DNC data fellow who was MURDERED either -- as a leaker, which MAY have INCRIMINATED the Democrats INDIRECTLY for the crime or at least put the DNC in a "VENGEANCE GLOATING" bad light LONG AFTER THE ELECTION they LOST and STILL blame on the Electoral College "SHAFTING THEM AGAIN" and LOTS of other EXCUSES. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT REASONS are for the REASONABLE and the Democrats will have no part of that, EXCUSES and BLAMING will be the order of the day, RESIST and RAGE and RAISE phony "ISSUES". TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT The American public is READY TO IGNORE more old, tired ETHICS issues from a political party that LOVES to ignore its own ethical issues. One of these was "ACCIDENTALLY" OMITTING GOD from the DNC meeting when they drew up their "political PLANKS" and WHAT they stood for in the 2016 election! Democrats who respect and have reverence for GOD had to make the DNC -- PUT GOD BACK in... TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT This first off "accidental omission" SPEAKS VOLUMES about where the Democrats have been heading for DECADES. They corrected the GOOF --THIS TIME -- but will they let it stand -- NEXT TIME? TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT From Hillary Clinton's HIATUS and "VACATION" and "RECOVERY" from the LOSS -- she said,"RESIST!!!". TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Only the wisdom of the FOUNDING FATHERS kept Hillary Clinton from her "PRIZE"! About FIVE Democrat strongholds with DOZENS OF COUNTIES would have OVER-RULED the HUNDREDS of Republican-TRUMP counties had it not been for the Electoral "College." TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT And the DNC even threatened SOME people voting the way their STATES WENT - FOR TRUMP -- NOT for Hillary Clinton. It is NOT THE AMERICAN WAY for FIVE or SIX heavily populated US States like California, New York, Illinois, Oregon, Washington state -- to OVER-RULE the other 44 or 45 STATES! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Besides that, Hillary Clinton LOST Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, that Obama had WON, that Democrats are expected to WIN. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT A TWITTER proclaimed: Hillary Clinton gave 80 paid speeches in 2013-14, for a total of $18 million. Hillary Clinton did not visit Wisconsin once since April. (2016) 10:54 PM - 8 Nov 2016 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Their CANDIDATE LOST -- What is the MATTER with these people?

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Just what DO Democrats want? Obviously, in 2008, Dems wanted to WIN.

What sort of person did Dems WIN with? He flubs, he misspeaks, he even LIES.
So what's NEW about that? This ONE is a Marxist revolutionary who is systematically
trashing the OLD ORDER in favor of a CHANGE to his NEW ORDER.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

As conservatives move to make better courts, liberals and progressives look far ahead and plan their strategy for trampling the Constitution into the mud.

By Derk Bentley | On August 24 about April 22, 2005

The Democrat struggle to thwart Republicans cleaning up the courts in Washington and the rest of the country rages on. But no matter how the fierce the fight Democrats still frustrate Republicans by not bringing decent candidates up for a vote.

Someone said that Republican judges are in the majority in 10 out of the nation's 13 federal appellate courts. You would never guess that they are Republicans by their decisions. Yet by the end of President George W. Bush's term the count could be 12 out of 13, and about 85 percent of those circuit court judges could be Republican appointees, according to a March, 2005 report in the National Law Journal. But what is the victory when the cocktail circuit can ruin even the best of judges. Seven of the nine sitting Supreme Court justices are allegedly Republican. One would never guess because that acursed be-ye-popular-on-the-cocktail-circuit or be a conservative of ill repute appears to have turned at least one Supreme Court justice profoundly liberal. Perhaps this is why the US Supreme Court failed to stand up for property right for the individual citizen as written in the US Constitution but ruled to disenfranchise...no...kick 20 something families off their private property and allow a town councel, township, or other legal enety, to sell or give away their land and homes to yet another private owner who so happened to be building a multi-million dollar site that would enhance the tax coffers. Ah, there's that word tax again. It is small glee that one of the US Supreme Court Associate justices in on this travesty, namely "Justice" Sauter may have his personal property taken from him "for the good of the tax base." and the good of the town. It is said that a hotel known as,"The Lost Liberty Hotel" will stand on the once proud judge's former property and it is he...he he he that will receive a pittance for his property due in no small part, to his own folly. LOL here. Unfortunately, the plan to shift the guilty judge from landowner to land wanter is still just a plan. In the meantime the rights-trampled-on-gen-pub (general public) is supposed to find some solice in the fact that some 16 out of 22 appointments to the Supreme Court in the last 50 years were appointed by Republicans. Fat lot of good it has done John Q. Public as property rights go out the window, pregnant women can seek an abortion at any time during the pregnancy and more than a few babies have died because of an argument between the mother-to-be and the boyfriend or husband. Sometimes the guy goes to jail and after his release, he discovers that he is no longer a father.
She aborted the baby because he was in jail out of spite or because he was not "helping" her.

All of which lends a certain horendous truth to House majority leader Tom DeLay's description of the federal courts last month as ''the left's last legislative body.'' Federal judges are appointed for life; it could be a generation before the political balance shifts again toward decency if more liberalism creeps in. Many people say that states like California which is driving away business because of high taxes due to high expense for illegal aliens. A business boss knows he can recoop the cost of the move out-of-state in a year or two. States like Hawaii which forced employers to cover their employees with free or low cost hospitalization soon realized that they could afford to pay better salaries if everyone was part-time. It has been estimated that 90% of Hawaii's labor force is part-time. This means some of them must work two jobs and pay hospitalization out of pocket. After all working 64 hours per week can wear you down and you might get sick. To this Hawaiians say,"Thanks!" and still vote Democrat!" People are just naturally healthier when the have to be.

At an earlierApril, 2005 conference, many of the nation's top left-leaning law professors met with more than 600 activists, lawyers, and law students to imagine the day when Democrats and liberals emerge from the wilderness. What a sick bunch o' puppies! The Yale confab, was named , 'The Constitution in 2020,'' was sponsored by key elements in the huge, wealthy left-wing conspiracy namely the Yale Law School birthplace of pass/fail grading system, the Center for American Progress (In a handbasket to Hell), the George Soros-funded Open Society Institute (Fingerprints reveal that Soros fingered OSI ), and the American Constitution Society, better known to conservatives as the Anti Constitution Society or ACS), a fast-growing tumor-like organization founded four years ago to ruin and rebuff the work of the once-influential Federalist Society, which was been a forerunner in the drive for a more (decent) conservative judiciary since it was founded in 1982.

The swinging Yale event started a plan reminescent of Mao's Five Year Plan as it is a multi-year Anti Constitution Society project on ''The Constitution in the 21st Century,'' which is cunningly devised to stealthfully promote ''a progressive constitutional vision" also known as liberalism and leftist agenda although organizers will not admit that The feces-filled cranium "brainstorming" will go on in Washington in July at the ACS national convention, with three days of think groups with such titles as ''The Future of Election Law,'' ''Interrogation, Torture, and the War on Terror,'' ''Moral Values and the Constitution,'' and should ''the commander-in-chief's power be stiffled more. Yeb-a-debba-doo that John Edwards is a former North Carolina senator, former VP candidate in 2004 and will be a formerly featured speaker.

Predictably, the April howlfest at poor unfortunate Yale was noted as fiendish by the right winger and lovable harmless. fuxxball, Rush H. Limbaugh who took time to warn his listeners that ''a bunch of liberal elitists'' were ''toying around with the idea of rewriting'' the Constitution. When Rush is right he is sooooo right. And John Hinderaker noted on the website of the Weekly Standard that the politically twisted left ''wants the Constitution to enshrine its own policy preferences - thus freeing it from the tiresome necessity of winning elections.'' Right again, since twisted little thoughts from left-twisted little judges make warped little decisions that thwart the will of the people. Some will vote against higher taxes with their feet...they'll get the hell out of Dodge.

Bill Yeomans, the ACS programs director was quick to apply spin and declare that the convention is copying the model responsible for the success conservatives have had in putting forth several effective ''talking points'' on constitutional law. He also confessed that the main objective was to put together a spidernest of trial lawyers, left-leaning scholars, and liberal, self-serving judges who spin things well for public consumption. He did not want to call it a propaganda ring.

Lisa Brown, ACS exec dorector holds that, ''We're not talking about amending the Constitution here, only interpreting it in ways that we think are more in the spirit of the founding values''. In other words, reading things we like into what the constitutionreally actually says and then selling that bill of goods to the American people.

It would seem that many leftists are seriously considering the outrageous idea of asking the people what they want, after years of using the courts to promote their leftist agenda of utilizing legal rights and lawsuits to thwart the will of the people. So as a group of thinker elitists they consider to figure out what would best be the will of the people as far as they are concerned. May God have nercy on the general population with this crew influencing them through a generally lap-dog media which dwells on and dotes on, their every word. (If only in their dreams)

. . .

The "strict interpretation" of the constitution was, according to Attorney General Ed Meese during the 1980s, the Reagan administration's view of constitutional issues. This has been conveyed to be the "original meaning" as implied by the Founding Fathers who drew it up based on lofty premises of the day.

Meese's report stated that courts back then had interpreted Congress' powers too broadly and directed justice department lawyers to attempt to persuade the courts to collar federal power to the good of the states and localities. Still another report was called, ''The Constitution in the Year 2000,''. It listed fifteen issues vital to conservatism and made it crystal clear that the most crucial factor in profoundly influencing constitutional law in the near and far future would hinge greatly upon ''the values and philosophies'' of those chosen to be federal judges.

Seen through liberal eyes such as those of Dawn Johnsen, an ACS board member and Indianna University law professor decided that the Meese reports ''more or less said, ‘We want to remake Constitutional law.''' Actually, it said we want to turn this country away from its present course to the left.

And how would this positive influence inscrew the negative leftist damage already done?

Too many liberals and attempted moderates attempt to use the Constitution for the dividing up and firing up the minorities. They see the courts as the easiest and quickest way to promote liberal agendas and special rights for special victims. During the Yale Liberal Confab they even said, ''we'll have our people on the bench,'' as one so stated...we'll change a lot of things for the betterment of criminality. In 1972, the death penalty was re-instated with Texas leading the nation in reforming murderers after expensive lawyers exhaust appeal after appeal and tell their clients don;t just play dumb, act retarded, and you'll live. And poor, clueless New York insisting on lifetime retirement away from society so murderers can pursue their lives of penance and still persue some happiness with each other behind bars at public expense. Next came voting and ability to hide a prison record and free higher education but not gun ownership rights for ex-felons, reductions in sentences of drug offenders to encourage drugs and crime, beefed up defense of the assumed new rights of immigrants and foreign nationals to fight deportation and incarceration while preaching violence in the mosques, and protection of civil liberties in wartime for all especially the enemy who needs all the help he can get. Besides Muslims and Democrats want the same thing in different ways...and both want to rule from a higher authority. Both hate Christians, many Dems hate Jews, and many Dems blame America first...sort of a Demon Satan America ...after all they were born here and grew up miserable and wanting everybody else miserable for equality. Some Democrats want more restraints on the executive branch and applauded recent Supreme Court rulings against presidential power to hold ''enemy combatants'' in detention without a trial. See... they like Muslims who hate America automatically much like a kneejerk reaction.

Did I mention I was writing on August 24,2005? Ah, yes I Did.


Florida Air Academy after forty-four years, is admitting WOMEN
Lobster catches are down off the Maine coast yet before winter set in fishermen had picked up a new record $53 million in their oblong wooden traps. Crab traps are made from black plastic coated heavy duty chicken wire.
Pat and Jim Healey, retired couple of Michigan, went on a two month golf oddessey to golf in all fifty states, inc. Alaska and Hawaii. Also inc. Washington, Dc and all ten Canadian Provinces. Let's wish them good weather and Golf Pro type shots!!!
Wooster, Massusetuttes AKA Taxatucettes tried to break his golf club by wacking a fire hydrant. A piece flew off and gouged his neck artery and he died bloody.
University of Florida has developed a chemical wringer that dries out your clothes in the spin cycle so the save electricity in the dryer.


In Sao Paulo, Brazil capitalists moved to make life better for pets who want to breed. Yes...that's RIGHT- BREED. You can take your pet to a Pet Motel where he or she will rondezous with a member of the opposite sex in a special kennel/love nest with dim lights, satin sheets, all the comforts people like...All for Fido's Love Nest or perhaps you have a cat? There was no mention about cat accommodations. Call ahead if you are in town with your dog or cat. The dog at least will lick your face in graditude...the cat...maybe he has no accommocations except the back alley!


In Amsterdam, Netherlands, a new TV series is based on a woman's search for a potential sperm donor. Assuming she looks gorgeous, teen boys may have dreams at night...heck...most guys might have dreamed of being sought er kinda?